What is the 2 3 rule in decorating?

In Kate's picture below, a third of blue sky, two-thirds. In Kate's painting below, one-third of blue sky and two-thirds of orange background add just the right amount of interest and balance to the work.

What is the 2 3 rule in decorating?

In Kate's picture below, a third of blue sky, two-thirds. In Kate's painting below, one-third of blue sky and two-thirds of orange background add just the right amount of interest and balance to the work. The rule of thirds is a technique that consists of dividing a frame (or, in this case, the view of a room) into a uniform grid of three by three, so that there are two horizontal lines and two vertical lines that are dissected together to create a frame, as you would with zeros and crosses. Ideas for the living room can be used according to the rule of thirds, and this one shows how to use the work of art to position it perfectly; each end of the piece is just outside the vertical intersection lines in the hypothetical rule of thirds grid. Learn about the science and art behind the rule of three, which will make decorating easier and your home almost magically prettier.

The rule of three works for designing a coffee table, decorating a shelf, placing furniture in a room, and much more. This is how the rule of thirds applies for balanced room schemes, according to interior design experts.